On this page you will find all relevant news about Aerox in the form of articles, updates and blogs.

Happy holidays and a happy New Year!
The management and employees of Aerox B.V. wish you a Happy Christmas and a prosperous 2021.

Aerox B.V. is ISO 9001 certified!
In June 2020, we as Aerox B.V. obtained the ISO-9001:2015 certification and are obviously very proud of this. During the run-up to obtaining ISO certification,

Corona update
Due to the Corona virus, we are currently unable to assist all customers locally. However, you can reach us by phone and email and whenever

Aerox participates in the 2020 Tire Technology Expo
From Feb. 25 to 27, Aerox will be present at Tire Technology Expo 2020 in Hanover. We would be happy to tell you more about

Best wishes for 2020!
Hereby we would like to thank everyone for the pleasant cooperation in 2019. We look forward to the new year and continued cooperation in 2020

Aerox again this year at VICTAM 2019
From June 12 to 14, Aerox will again be present at VICTAM 2019 in Cologne. The VICTAM is the world’s largest feed event. Also curious

Aerox will participate in the 2019 VICTAM Asia
From March 13 to 15, Aerox will be present at the VIV Asia 2019 exhibition in Bangkok. We would be happy to tell you more

Odor removal step by step
Resolving industrial odor emissions step by step Whatever interesting and beautiful products are produced in factories, odors simply cannot be avoided in the process. Especially

Odor, how do you actually measure it?
As Aerox, we offer our customers sustainable solutions for industrial odor emissions. Together with our customers, we thereby solve the nuisances resulting from these emissions.

Odor and odor nuisance, what exactly is it?
As Aerox, we offer our customers sustainable solutions for reducing industrial odor emissions. In the conversations we have with our contacts, we often get questions

Aerox collaborates on VDI guidelines for odor reduction
Pieter Leenders of Aerox contributed to the VDI guidelines for odor reduction with cold plasma: the principle on which the Aerox®-Injector is also based. In