Other industries

In many different industries, manufacturing processes cause unpleasant odors in the process air. The Aerox injector can be the perfect solution to minimize odor emissions.

Experience with diverse industries

We have experience with many different industries and their specific processes, characteristics and requirements. We also have the know-how of the source and composition of different fragrances, as well as scientific tools and processes to investigate the complexities of each unique situation. Relevant regulations and legal requirements hold no secrets for us.

Treatment of multiple airflows simultaneously

Our revolutionary non-thermal plasma technology can treat all kinds of unpleasant odors. In many cases, we can combine multiple airflows into one duct. By doing this, we can treat air from multiple production lines simultaneously. Depending on odor type and volume, one compact Aerox injector can treat up to 240,000 m³/h of process air.

Success Stories

Industries we serve

Animal Feed
Fish food
Pet food
renewable ingredients
Other Industries
Also discover how we solve global odor problems With a durable and reliable product?


The Aerox-Injector is an innovative odor control system based on injection technology that is installed at the end of a production process or in the chimney. Already more than 250 plants around the world benefit from our proven effective technology.