
By the late 1990s, Aerox had already developed solutions to remove odors in oilseed processing. Oil and flour are extracted from grain seeds. The oil is used in the food industry, as well as for the production of biodiesel or bioethanol.

Exhaust air treatment

Extracting oil from seeds begins with pressing the oil from the seeds with pressing plants. The oil is then extracted from the residue by adding the solvent hexane with another printing press (“cold pressing”). The remains of the seeds are pelletized or ground. In the process, drying and cooling are necessary. The resulting air has a strong odor, which can be successfully treated with the Aerox Injector.

Aerox has developed a safe technology to treat air containing hexane.

Destroying residual odors

In most installations, water-soluble odors and most fine dust particles are first removed from the exhaust air with a scrubber. An Aerox injector can remove residual odors. After drying, the flour is cooled. This exhaust air can also be treated by the Aerox injector.

Hexane and safety

The Aerox injector offers great safety advantages over other cold-plasma technologies when it comes to deodorizing air containing the toxic hexane. Numerous European plants in the food industry have chosen the Aerox injector in recent years for this reason.

Industries we serve

Animal Feed
Fish food
Pet food
Renewable ingredients
Other Industries
Also discover how we solve global odor problems With a durable and reliable product?


The Aerox-Injector is an innovative odor control system based on injection technology that is installed at the end of a production process or in the chimney. Already more than 250 plants around the world benefit from our proven effective technology.