
Aerox is proud of its worldwide network of dedicated distributors. Our distributors are key to our international presence and help us offer our advanced odor control solutions around the world. Discover our dedicated distributors and see how they can serve your region with our innovative products and solutions.

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Aerox is proud of its worldwide network of dedicated distributors. Our distributors are key to our international presence and help us offer our advanced odor control solutions around the world. Discover our dedicated distributors and see how they can serve your region with our innovative products and solutions.

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Team Aerox

At Aerox, we are proud of our dedicated team of professionals. Each member brings a wealth of experience and expertise, which enables us to deliver innovative and high-quality solutions. With over 25 years of experience in the industry, our team consists of passionate individuals committed to providing the best service and continually striving to advance and improve in everything we do.

Also discover how we solve global odor problems With a durable and reliable product?


The Aerox-Injector is an innovative odor control system based on injection technology that is installed at the end of a production process or in the chimney. Already more than 250 plants around the world benefit from our proven effective technology.

Aerox RCO

The Aerox-RCO is an innovative emission control system based on catalytic technology that is installed at the end of a production process or in the stack. The Aerox-RCO (Regenerative Catalytic Oxidizer) destroys emissions.