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Animal feed
The feed industry produces a wide range of feeds and grains using a variety of raw materials. Cooling air from the production of poultry, pig and ruminant feed in particular should be deodorized to prevent complaints.
Grinding grains for animals
The feed industry has its origins in traditional windmills. Today, electrically driven pellet mills are used and grains are mainly cooled in counterflow coolers. To remove dust from the cooling air, a bag filter that can meet today’s stringent dust emission standards is usually used. After this, the air will eventually be blown outside.
Odor reduction measures
Initially, the feed industry built higher chimneys as an odor reduction measure. This did not always solve the problems sufficiently, especially as the production capacity of feed per plant increased significantly.
Multiple production lines
Aerox has developed specific odor reduction solutions for the animal feed industry. A plant usually operates several pellet lines with about 15,000 to 25,000 m3/h of cooling air per line. One compact Aerox injector can be installed per pellet line, or several production lines can be combined and treated with one Aerox injector. In practice, this can amount to varying numbers of lines with a total airflow of up to 240,000 m3/h.
Sustainable solution
Because the Aerox injector can run at different capacities, unnecessary power consumption is avoided when not all pellet lines are in operation. This benefits the environment and reduces operational costs.
Success Stories
Our product
The Aerox-Injector is an innovative odor control system based on injection technology that is installed at the end of a production process or in the chimney. Already more than 250 plants around the world benefit from our proven effective technology.