Mitas, a rubber tire manufacturer in Prague, suffered from inspection complaints for many years. The factory had been built in the 1930s by Michelin and originally stood outside the city. Over the years, the factory and the city of Prague grew. Tall flats were built near the factory because the city was growing and the new residents complained about the smell coming from the factory.
In search of an odor problem solution, Mitas tested several different technologies. None of the techniques they had tested gave them the confidence to implement in their production process. But in 2005, Aerox conducted a pilot test with promising results. Two compact Aerox® injectors could handle the air flows from the two mixer lines and remove almost all rubber odor.
After doing the pilot test, Mitas organized a meeting with local residents, the environmental authority and the mayor to present our sustainable solution. The contract was signed a week later. After installation, an independent measuring agency tested the Aerox injectors and once again proved their effectiveness and efficiency. The machines have been working without problem since 2006 and Mitas is very satisfied with the odor reduction achieved.
De Aerox-Injector is een innovatief geurbestrijdingssysteem gebaseerd op injectietechnologie dat aan het uiteinde van een productieproces of in de schoorsteen wordt geïnstalleerd. Al meer dan 250 fabrieken over de hele wereld profiteren van onze bewezen effectieve technologie.
De Aerox-RCO is een innovatief emissiecontrolesysteem gebaseerd op katalytische technologie dat aan het einde van een productieproces of in de schoorsteen wordt geïnstalleerd. De Aerox-RCO (Regeneratieve Katalytische Oxidizer) vernietigt de emissies.
Aerox has more than 30 years of experience in odor control. Our distribution network reaches worldwide.
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