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In tire production, several processes create a rubber smell. A strong, unpleasant odor that those living near the plant will not appreciate.
Neutralizing rubber odor
The mixer mixes raw materials such as rubber, carbon black and chemicals into a rubber mixture. During this process, many odors are released into the air through the chimney.
The Aerox Injector can destroy > 85% of the rubber odor coming from the mixer.
Rubber production emissions
The tires are cured in a vulcanizing press. The high temperature of the press releases rubber odors. Although these are not as strong as the odors produced by the blender, the environmental impact is greater. Indeed, per production line, the vulcanizing presses emit up to 90,000 m3/h. The Aerox Injector reduces air pollution from presses to a minimum.
Up to 99% odor reduction
Aerox has conducted several pilot tests worldwide to determine the efficiency of the Aerox injector. Independent research firms showed that our plant can destroy up to 99% of rubber odor coming from the mixer. With that, we significantly outperform the competition.
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Our product

The Aerox-Injector is an innovative odor control system based on injection technology that is installed at the end of a production process or in the chimney. Already more than 250 plants around the world benefit from our proven effective technology.